Hltb the gunk
Hltb the gunk

hltb the gunk

There’s an allusion to them being more than just business partners, but The Gunk is about the story more than it is the characters. Landing on an unknown planet, Rani and Becks are partners. Yet despite all of this, it has a tremendous amount of heart. This is one of those titles where “thanks for playing” appears at the end of the rather short list of credits where a lot of the names repeat. When the credits rolled I didn’t feel hard done by, I felt as though a metaphorical hand had been extended for me to shake. That length, while irksome to some, is a boon for Game Pass subscribers and people who prefer shorter experiences these days. It’s one of the least pretentious experiences of 2021, with simple to grasp controls, motifs, and a runtime of well under under five hours.

hltb the gunk

A game where the story develops as you play, there aren’t any collectibles, and the reward is just playing through once, then moving on. In many ways, The Gunk feels like a throwback to a bygone era. READ MORE: ‘Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney’ gave me an enduring love for character design.

Hltb the gunk series#

Image & Form is a well known developer that’s become a cult favourite thanks to the Steamworld series of games: each a brand new genre within the universe, but this is the team’s first new game in over ten years. What is The Gunk? It’s a weird name for a game, but then, while it may stray too close to being safe at times, it’s a fairly strange experience from start to finish.

Hltb the gunk